"There is an LC in queens named Catherine Watson Genna, she is pretty much considered a "rock star" among LCs, she helped me get my 6mo old to latch for the first time...and we enjoyed a long, comfortable nursing relationship. She will know if she can help..." From: http://www.mothering.com/community/forum/thread/1219552/lactation-consultant-who-can-help-me-retrain-my-baby-s-latch
"I'd go see Catherine Watson-Genna with latch problems. Just google her, she's in NY. Like in any profession there are good ones, bad ones, and rockstars. She would be a rockstar." From: http://forums.llli.org/showthread.php?t=65070
"Another amazing seminar by IBCLC extraordinaire Catherine Watson Genna ! She is so gifted, she can take the phone directory and can make it interesting to listen." - Ann Faust, December 2012
"This is the most helpful seminar that I have attended with regard to very particular, practical aids to working on latch, assessment of sucking skills and feeding aids. So many helpful tricks in what experience means. Catherine Genna is the best in this regard.
All were excellent but the variety of experience / photos, tips, insight that Catherine had was tremendous.
Catherine was absolutely brilliant, so inspirational. Her knowledge was so exceptional. I got so much out of her information.
Catherine Watson Genna was brilliant, could listen to her for days - a born teacher.
Thanks. Catherine was an amazing speaker and source of learning." - September 2011
"The day was a credit to you Nicola, we are so lucky in Ireland to have someone as committed as you are, to supporting both mothers and us professionals, who are trying to support them. Catherine Watson Genna is a born teacher, I could listen to her forever." - Meabh-Anne McNamara, September 2011
"This information is so relevant to those of us who work with breastfeeding couplets. It is probably the best practical information I've received at any conference" - September 2010
"Excellent. Best I have attended in the past 2-3 years." - September 2010
"Arriving in NYC from Israel, Cathy's name kept rising from both feeding and lactation professionals. I was privileged to be Cathy's intern, especially because of her streaming knowledge about every subject on earth that can somehow relate to breastfeeding, or not :).
Cathy's abilities to SEE, UNDERSTAND and REACH all moms, dad, grandmothers and night nurses, is an ability to strive for.
Cathy gave me the confidence and the will to keep researching and learning. Despite her 20 years of experience and expertise, she treated me as a colleague.
Cathy and her wonderful family let me into their house in a warm welcome.
I am thankful for my time by Cathy's sofa. Thank you Cathy, and thanks to all the moms and babies for helping me learn my way into this world." - Diklah Barak, BOT, IBCLC. Israel
"Internship with Cathy has been the most valuable educational experience in my professional life including college and graduate school. Cathy's determination to organize and structure our sessions so that every minute was used efficiently and productively was both new and refreshing to me as a student. I am impressed by Cathy's deep knowledge of everything related to lactation, infant feeding behavior, and medical conditions that could impair the breastfeeding process. Cathy's Sherlock Holmes like ability to get to the bottom of every complicated case inspired me to not be satisfied with the obvious and to always look for ways to improve outcomes for breastfeding moms and their infants. She is an incredibly generous and supportive mentor who is happy to share her knowledge, her experience, and her LC's tools. I still hope that when my schedule is a little lighter I'll go back to intern with Cathy to absorb some of her wisdom." - Svetlana Tenenbaum, MPH, CDN, IBCLC.
"I worked with Cathy while preparing to go into private practice-an amazing learning experience! It's been three years since then and I'm thinking of going back for a 'refresher'.
Learning from her was a priviledge!" - Kathy Donnelly Waldow
You can submit your own feedback. Send a message to vincent.genna@gmail.com and it will be posted here.